For years I had the cool job. I worked in television production on various shows; meeting celebrities, world leaders, access to the hottest concerts, and latest gadgets. At the end of my career I worked in morning television and the hours were grueling. I was sleep deprived and became sick. Relationships were hard to maintain because sleep always trumped socializing. It was getting harder and harder to shake the empty feeling I got as I went to work each morning. It was especially difficult to report on tragedy, all the while knowing there was more that could be done for those people experiencing immense pain. I wasn’t sure what my next step would be, but I knew I had to do more. I needed to find my purpose.
As I began my journey to find my purpose it felt overwhelming. I consulted outside sources at first, a career counselor, my boss, friends, family. But I wasn’t finding answers. I decided to ground within myself. I figured out how I wanted to feel each day showing up to work, who I wanted to work with, what my schedule was going to look like, and how I was going to make an impact. That lead me to a career in mental health.
It was a huge, scary leap when I finally declared that I wanted more for myself. It was even scarier when I decided that I was going to completely change my life and how I was showing up in it. I pursued my master’s in mental health counseling and began working clinically for the past three years. But once again it hit me that I wanted to do more; I wanted to be more. I wanted to make an even greater impact.
My clients, while working as a therapist, often talk about finding greater meaning in their life, they talk more about how to create change and how to choose a greater path for themselves. Having a coach of my own at the time, I knew that what some of my clients truly needed was coaching. Coaching moves us forward and allows us to create breakthroughs on our own terms. This is a gift that I knew I was meant to share.
I firmly believe everyone deserves a life they desire; a purposeful life. We all deserve to decide what abundant living looks like and then go create it. As a trained coach, this is the work we do. We discover purpose, we define how we want to feel, we eradicate the pesky fears that go along with changing our lives and I stand in partnership with you as you take this journey for yourself. Going through this process myself, I have faced many of these fears and am living proof that through this amazing partnership, anything is possible and purposeful living in inevitable.